Message From Principal

Mr Muzibur Rahman BE(JEC,DU) , M.E (AEC,GU)

"Education is the process of facilitating learning, enabling individuals to acquire knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits." Technical education refers to the academic and vocational training that prepares students for careers in applied science and modern technology. Dibrugarh Polytechnic offers a Diploma in Technical Education, with the primary aim of equipping students with the skills necessary to become a technically proficient workforce. Our objective is to nurture students who can contribute to the efficient and effective functioning of industries while upholding ethical values and becoming integral to nation-building, as the saying goes, "Engineers are Nation Builders." The management, faculty, and staff are dedicated to creating an ethical and supportive environment that fosters the all-round development of our students. I express my sincere gratitude to them for their unwavering commitment to achieving this goal.

Dibrugarh Polytechnic
E-mail principal.dibpoly@re